
Sharon Kundu

  • Green Belt Certification in Career Counselling, Univariety, India

  • Career Counsellor for International Studies, ACCPH, UK

  • DMIT Counsellor, ICSM, India

  • Human Resource Leadership, Cornell Executive Education, USA

  • Six Sigma Green Belt, ITC Ltd, India

  • Certified Trainer, ITC Ltd

  • Personal and Organizational Learning Processes, ISABS

  • Mind Control Series, Silva International, Inc.

Sharon has worked closely with EACC (Education Abroad Counselling Centre) and GetSetGo Training & Consultancy to provide the best solutions to all her stakeholders. She has also liaised directly with numerous universities globally to offer optimum opportunities to her international students. In addition, for the past eight years, Sharon has been working closely with schools in Singapore as a parent volunteer to contribute to the constant nurturing of students to help support holistic development.

Sharon has experienced that empowering the youth contributes to a more mature society. She started InspiGrow to facilitate students and parents to make informed career decisions based on students’ inborn talents, acquired skills, and interests. She believes that appropriate career choices will help students to thrive in everything they do, making them competent leaders of tomorrow.

According to Sharon, students are the future of tomorrow who will shape the world through their actions and the impact they make upon others. In order to bring a change, students should choose the best career path that perfectly matches their interests and strengths. By doing so, they can enjoy their work and have a fulfilling professional career. "My mission is to inspire people to identify their true potential and empower them to achieve their dreams.", claims Sharon. Through her expert counselling and guidance, she assists the students in becoming aware of their interests and strengths and making informed career decisions accordingly.

Although there are many courses and career options, there is a lack of pertinent information about them. As a result, students frequently decide on a career they are not passionate about for societal or emotional reasons. This leads to the loss of the talent pool, and the students experience dissatisfaction in their careers, which results in stress, anxiety, or even depression.

To help students find professions that are a good fit for them, Sharon desires to provide relevant information about various courses and career options to students and direct them to careers that best fit them. She hopes every individual's unique attributes be channelled into their future career so that they can lead a satisfying and fulfilled career.


About InspiGrow

Today’s rapidly transforming world offers an abundance of career choices and trending opportunities making it difficult for individuals, especially children and young adults, to make career decisions that align with their interests and passions.

InspiGrow provides a comprehensive approach towards career guidance. We leverage the knowledge of neuroscience and the power of artificial intelligence to help you design and achieve your career goals scientifically. We use 5-D psychometric and dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence tests (DMIT) to craft a detailed career roadmap based on your interests, values, and skills rather than societal biases or expectations. We provide effective support and guidance, drawing on our extensive experience and deep understanding of the skills and competencies needed to succeed today.

Our online career planning and counselling services help you to approach us effortlessly and quickly, making us easily accessible to students and parents across the globe. Our services are personalised for each student and conducted on a one–to–one basis to be sensitive and relevant to each student’s circumstances. We work with you to help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential.
